

A Crash Course In “Deeds”

  In the world of real estate, a deed is not just a deed. A deed itself is a document that transfers ownership of real estate, and contains the names of the old and new owners, as well as a legal description of the property. It is signed by the person(s) transferring the property. It […]

What Happens If You Can’t Attend Your Real Estate Closing?

Although the majority of real estate closings include the buyers, sellers, brokers and lender around a big table with a title attorney all signing papers together, sometimes it just doesn’t work out that way. Sometimes life gets in the way – job commitments, pregnancy due dates, vacations, illnesses, living in a different state – and these […]

3 Things You May Not Know About Cumberland Title

Recently, at the end of a closing, we congratulated the buyer and revealed that they had received a FREE closing as the property they purchased was over $600k. Both real estate agents – as well as the lender – commented that they had no idea that Cumberland Title offered such a promotion. So in an effort to […]

Q&A – What Does A Title Abstractor Do, Exactly?

Kathy Dilios has been the Title Abstractor at Cumberland Title for over 9 years. We cornered her in her office to do a little Q&A to find out just what exactly her job involves here at Cumberland Title. Kathy, what exactly is the role of the Title Abstractor for a title company? The title abstractor’s […]

Marketable Title -vs- Insurable Title

Title insurance can be a confusing and mysterious thing to some people. So in an attempt to make it a little less confusing  we’re going to start by explaining a few aspects of it to you; the difference between a “good title” and a “not so good title”, what the terminology is, how the insurance underwriters […]

How To Buy A Ballpark

Sit down and take a load off, I’m going to tell you a little story. This is a true story – maybe more of a “cautionary tale” – proving that no matter how many rules and laws and processes are in place, sometimes things fall through the cracks. In San Diego, California, they have a […]

Homeowner Scam Alert: Don’t Buy These Needless Documents

There’s a new form of fraud happening in the real estate industry, specifically targeting consumers nationwide who recently conducted real estate transactions. As you may be aware, it is customarily the responsibility of the Title Company/Settlement Agency to record any documents requiring such action at the completion of the closing transaction. This means that the Deed, Mortgage […]