Simple Ways To Protect Your Future



Regardless of your age, there’s no better time to think about estate planning than during the “big moments” in life – marriage, buying a home, starting a family – these are all things that change your status and give you things in life worth protecting.

It doesn’t have to be fancy or too detailed and involved, just enough to legally protect you, your property and your loved ones in the event that something happens to you and/or your decision making abilities.

It is recommended that you obtain three particular documents that will protect you, your loved ones, and your home when unexpected events may occur. These documents include a will, a general power of attorney, and an advanced healthcare directive.

A will, as you probably know, is a legal document that names one or more persons (a personal representative) to manage your estate and provide for the transfer of y9our property at death.

The power of attorney document allows a person to legally represent you or act upon your behalf in any legal matter.

An advanced health care directive – also known as a “living will” – is a set of instructions given by you specifying what actions should be taken in the event that you are no longer able to make decisions due to illness or incapacity, and appoints a person to make such decisions on your behalf.

Basic estate planning makes sense. Don’t let the thought of a stuffy law office and legal jargon scare you off from an important part of planning for the future. If you have questions or would like to discuss this further, you may call attorney Matthew J. McDonald, who would be happy to discuss this further and assist you in making sure you are properly protected.